by Ashlyn Hawkins

An Attitude of Gratitude through Motherhood’s Challenging Seasons

As a mom of young children, I am well acquainted with the struggles that come with the early years of motherhood. There are so many challenges, from sleepless nights to pacifier weaning to potty training. These are not necessarily the things you think of as you dream about becoming a mother. But these are some of the realities of this role, and we have to take the good with the hard and the fun with the challenging. When you are in the thick of a sleep regression, a teething spell, or an illness that seems to bounce from kid to kid and back again, it can be challenging to have an attitude of thankfulness. When surrounded by struggles and incomplete to-do lists, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and forget to count your blessings. I have found a few things to help me stay grateful when life is challenging, and I wanted to share them.

How to Have an Attitude of Gratitude in Motherhood’s Challenging Seasons:

1)     Let Go and Let God

When I am lost in a state of overwhelm, the best (and sometimes only) thing I can do is get down on my knees and lay it all in God’s capable hands. Yes, God knows everything. He knows every tiny thing weighing me down without me spelling it out specifically. But He still wants me to tell Him. When I take the time to pray, to speak to my Heavenly Father about everything that feels hard right now, and humbly ask for His help to make the most of this season of life, I walk away so much lighter and in a much better mood. God is in your corner, supporting you through every sleepless night, cheering you on through the tantrums that make you want to join in, and loving you even when you fall short as a parent. What a source of confidence through such challenging times. Lean on the Lord and let Him lead you through motherhood. Tell Him everything on your heart, good and bad, then give it your best and let Him fill in the gaps.

2)     Count Your Blessings

Some days, it seems like nothing will go as planned, and you wish you could reset and try again. On days like this, I can feel my attitude slipping quickly into the negative, and we all know if Mama’s not happy, no one is happy. We have all been there. Slow down, take a deep breath, and count your blessings…literally. Make a numbered list if you want. Do not forget the simple things like the breath in your lungs and the sunrise that brought a new day. Thank God for a family that loves and needs you, even though it can be exhausting. Thank Him for the house you live in and the love that makes it a home. You might be surprised how long your list will get if you take the time to make it.

3)     Put a Positive Spin on it

Sometimes, it takes a whole change of perspective to get things back on track. Try to find something positive about the challenges you are facing and the things that bog you down. That sink full of dishes just means you had food on your table. The pile of laundry waiting for you means your family has the clothes they need. The toys on the floor are a sure sign that your kids had fun. Turn your child’s impatience into excitement, stubbornness into perseverance, and constant questions into curiosity and an appetite for learning. Your child only sleeps when you hold them? You are their safe place. Does your child only like specific snacks, clothes, or toys? They have a valuable opinion and are not afraid to voice it. It is hard, and I am not trying to downplay that. But focusing on the positive side of things will significantly help your attitude stay grateful.

Motherhood is the most challenging and rewarding thing that I have ever done. There are countless struggles and an infinite number of blessings. It is so easy to get caught up in the troubles of each day and lose sight of the big picture. I hope these ideas help you slow down and enjoy this amazing adventure.