Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources for All Ages



Age appropriate lessons can be challenging to create at times. Included here are a few resources to help you create lesson plans, find worksheets, and come up with ideas to help convey your message.


Being a teenager is hard, communicating with a teenager can be even harder. Technology continues to evolve at such a rate that the experience you had as a teenager may be significantly different than your teenager’s today. Here are some resources for teaching teens.


Anyone can find their way to Christ at anytime. Teaching adults can prove to be a challenge because of the wide array of experiences and backgrounds that come together to learn about Christ. As you plan your lessons here are some resources to help you start teaching about Jesus in love.

Our Teachers

Cradle Roll (Baby - Pre-school)

Sunday Morning: Treva Primm / Sheryl Baker / Janette Daugherty

Wednesday Nights: Janet Potts / Amanda Corlew / Heather Hamilton

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Sunday Morning: Rosie Potts / Ashlyn Hawkins

Wednesday Nights: Lindsey Mitchell / Janette Daugherty

Grades 3 - 5

Sunday Morning: Jessica Southerland / Lexi Baker

Wednesday Nights: Beth Dawson / Tennyson Magness

Middle School

Sunday Morning: Newt Ealy

Wednesday Nights: Bruce Potts

High School Boys

Sunday Morning: Cameron Crawford

Wednesday: Hal Bryant

High School Girls

Wednesday Nights:

Young Professionals (18-30) | Work Room

Sunday Morning: Elders (Rotating)

No Wednesday Night Class

Adults | Basement

Sunday Morning: Rotating Teacher

No Wednesday Night Class

Adults | Auditorium

Sunday Morning: Clay Magness

Wednesday Nights: Rotating Teacher

Ladies Class | Wednesday’s Only

Returned to the Classroom in September 2021

Taught by: Mrs. Rosie and rotating through


This list of teachers is not inclusive and may change.

Alternate and Fill-in Teachers

  • Pam Bryant (Cradle roll to 4th grade)

  • Heather Hamilton (Cradle through Elementary)

  • Clay Hawkins (Cradle through Middle School)

  • Devin Leonard (Cradle to 3rd grade)

  • Lora Pack (Cradle to 3rd grade)

  • Jessica Southerland (Cradle through Elementary)

If you are interested in being a teacher or an alternate talk with the elders. You can start that conversation by sending them an email.