Read Something Worth Reading

Check out the resources below for books or apps! Chapel Hill Church of Christ does not own or sell any of these resources. We’re simply helping you find good resources. As always, reference your Bible as you study and if anything seems misaligned then reference your Bible.

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A New Testament Commentary

By Wayne Jackson

This is a great commentary on the New Testament, book by book, chapter by chapter. This commentary was recommended by Mr. Bernice Potts


By Gary Chapman

New York Times bestseller for 10 years running.

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life?

The 5 Love Languages is as practical as it is insightful. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships today, this new edition reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, actionable wisdom in ways that work. -Amazon Listing

By Wayne Jackson

Wayne Jackson has produced a commentary on the book of Acts that is scholarly, yet very readable. This volume will be an enrichment to Bible students for generations. Study the book of Acts, and rediscover the birth of the church of Christ.

By James Burton Coffman

Mr. Coffman has several different commentaries to help you study the Bible. Check out the many books he has to offer. Remember with all commentaries if something doesn’t align with the Bible ask more questions and study the Bible closer.